BSc in Earth Sciences (2009) at University of La Rochelle, France. MSc in physical oceanography, atmosphere and continental surface (2011), University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. PhD in Quantitative Marine Science, regional Antarctic coastal ocean modelling (2016), University of Tasmania, Australia


Dr Eva Cougnon is a research associate in ocean temperature extremes. Her research interests are in ocean and climate dynamics, ocean temperature extremes and their potential predictability. Ocean temperature extremes can have severe impacts on the marine coastal ecosystems, for some fisheries and in aquaculture. Eva wants to understand what drives these events in order to predict them and better inform decision making and assist stakeholder engagement. She also has a great interest in regional oceanography, in particular near Antarctica, and the understanding of the interactions between the ocean and the Antarctic ice shelves and the sensitivity of water mass formation to the ocean-cryosphere interactions. This will help to better understand/estimate the impact of the sea level rise due to Antarctic ice shelf melting.