Mini Projects

During the week you will be working on mini-projects in groups of 5-6. Each group has a mix of participants from different institutions and with different backgrounds. You will have 9 hours scheduled during the week to work on your projects. The projects have been kept purposely broad. We did this so that you, within your groups, can discuss and decide what your main research question is, and what approach you are going to take to address that question. Two groups will work on each project, this will allows us to discuss and compare the different approaches from different groups to these key climate extremes problems. Please don’t discuss your project with the other group working on the same project.

On the Thursday afternoon, you will present findings from your project to the group. Presentations are to be 5 minutes long, maximum. It is up to you how you present your work, don’t be afraid to be creative, but be concise, the timer will stop you right on five minutes. Presentations will not be judged, instead this will simply be a sharing of knowledge and discussion forum.

Group mentors

  • Annette Hirsch- C1, D2
  • Jen Wurtzel- A1, B2
  • Amelie Meyer- B1, E1, D1
  • Eva Cougnon- A2, E2, C2


List of mini-projects

  • Project A: Examine the influence of modes of climate variability on temperature extremes over Australia
  • Project B: Examine the influence of modes of climate variability on precipitation extremes over Australia
  • Project C: Examine the role of soil moisture preconditioning on the frequency and/or intensity of heatwaves
  • Project D: Examine changes in drought and what this means for impacts in Australia
  • Project E: Pick a recent extreme event. What are the natural and anthropogenic influences?