Our future ocean

Seminar: Alexander Piotrowski (University of Cambridge). Can deep ocean circulation pathways and strength be reconstructed using marine sediment dispersion?

Jaeger 1 Seminar Room Research School of Earth Sciences, 142 Mills Rd, Acton, ACT, Australia

Ocean circulation plays a key role in the Earth’s climate system because surface ocean currents transport heat and deep ocean water masses can sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Geochemical... View Article

BoM Webinar: Making groundwater visible

BoM Webinar No physical address, Australia

John Sharples (Senior Hydrogeologist) and Eloise Nation (Senior Hydrogeologist). Synopsis In this webinar we show you how the Bureau's Groundwater Information Suite improves the visibility of this vital resource using comprehensive,... View Article

Heatwave RP Meeting

The agenda for the meeting is as follows: Quick update on research highlights/progress/challenges Project update for each sub-program (Land-atmosphere: Annette, Synoptic-dynamics: Malcolm) - looking for someone from Marine Heatwaves to... View Article

CMS training: Pipes and filters

Zoom link Zoom link https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/741636156, All hubs, Australia

CMS will be running the sessions at the same time at all nodes using video-conferencing.


Online No physical address, Australia

This meeting will share progress on ACCESS CMIP6 preparation particularly around freezing the model version and evaluation of trial simulations. An agenda will be distributed by 29th May. The meeting... View Article