Webinar: Ensuring Australian climate model simulations inform global climate assessments


Online No physical address, Australia

This meeting will share progress on ACCESS CMIP6 preparation particularly around freezing the model version and evaluation of trial simulations. An agenda will be distributed by 29th May. The meeting... View Article

BoM Webinar: Water forecasting

BoM Webinar No physical address, Australia

Paul Feikema (Manager Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting) and Karen Hudson (Senior Flood Hydrologist) This webinar shows you the variety of water forecasting products offered by the Bureau, and how to access... View Article

CMS training: Variables and loops

Zoom link Zoom link https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/741636156, All hubs, Australia

CMS will be running the sessions at the same time at all nodes using video-conferencing.