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Researcher Development Program – 2023 Update

April 3, 2024 10:00 am Published by Comments Off on Researcher Development Program – 2023 Update

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes Graduate and Researcher Development Program further develops national capacity in climate science by training and mentoring the next generation of researchers. It equips them with the intellectual and technical capacity required to take on the research challenges of the future. The Researcher Development Program includes fundamental research and communication skills, professional development, mentoring and leadership opportunities, and it involves all Centre of Excellence researchers. The program complements opportunities offered at our university... View Article

From the Chair of the Advisory Board – Annual Report 2023

April 3, 2024 9:19 am Published by Comments Off on From the Chair of the Advisory Board – Annual Report 2023

The year 2023 was one in which the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes reached greater heights than ever before, built on the legacies of the talented people who have contributed to and come through the Centre in the last six years. The impact the Centre of Excellence, its research and its people have had on the scientific community, policymakers, industry and the broader community has shone through, as you’ll read throughout this annual report. Over... View Article

From the Director – Annual Report 2023

April 3, 2024 9:17 am Published by Comments Off on From the Director – Annual Report 2023

Our science continues to be published in elite international journals. The Centre published 207 papers in 2022, including 20 papers in Nature or Science family journals. Overall, 17.6 percent of our papers in 2022 are among the 10 percent of most-cited papers in the world, according to SciVal.

Weather and Climate Interactions Research Program – 2023 Update

April 3, 2024 9:14 am Published by Comments Off on Weather and Climate Interactions Research Program – 2023 Update

The climate is the aggregate of individual weather systems. From this perspective, weather systems are the building blocks of the climate. Of course, the connection is not one way, since the frequency and amplitude of various weather systems are themselves modulated by climate. The Weather and Climate Interactions research program investigates climate, and especially climate extremes, through a weather lens. In this pursuit, our work focuses on the physical mechanisms responsible for extreme weather in the tropics and extratropics and... View Article