April 12, 2021 10:57 am
Published by Climate Extremes
In 2021, the Knowledge Brokerage Team has hit the ground running with a paper in ECR, Climate Classrooms at AMOS, a new CLEX prize for engagement, and an increasing number of external links to new and old stakeholders.
April 12, 2021 10:32 am
Published by Climate Extremes
Sanaa Hobeichi and Ian Macadam of the CLEX Knowledge Brokerage team are spearheading Climate Classrooms, a joint project of CLEX and the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub (MCCCRH) that aims to raise the profile of climate science in secondary school Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects.
April 12, 2021 9:55 am
Published by Climate Extremes
In February CLEX took part in the 28th Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society annual conference. Ian Macadam reports on the conference, which was packed full of plenaries, panel discussions and parallel sessions and incorporated around 400 presentations, many presented by CLEX researchers.