The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes Engagement and Impact team work across our partner universities to support researchers in sharing their research.

The Centre of Excellence’s Knowledge Brokerage Team is a key part of the Centre’s outreach program. We exist to enhance the impact of the Centre beyond academia.
We aim to:
- Communicate the Centre’s research to government departments and the private sector
- Facilitate collaboration between the Centre’s researchers and stakeholders in government departments and the private sector
- Make sure relevant Centre data is accessible to government departments and the private sector
- Support the teaching of climate and weather science in high school STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) subjects
The Knowledge Brokerage Team can provide external stakeholders with:
Meetings and workshops with the Centre’s experts: We are a convenient point of contact for access to experts on climate extremes at the Centre’s five universities. We can organise and facilitate meetings with specific researchers or arrange workshops on specific areas of Centre research.
Briefing notes and other documents: We write a series of short briefing notes to inform decision-makers and other stakeholders about developments in climate science. We welcome opportunities to co-produce other documents with stakeholders.
Access to data on climate extremes: The Centre’s data can be relevant to external stakeholders. We can deliver this data in a way that is convenient to stakeholders, including data files and visualisations, and advise on its usage.
Project support for collaborations: We can provide support for projects involving the Centre and external collaborators. This can range from assistance with project reporting and project meetings to project management, stakeholder liaison and coordinating outreach.
Educational materials: We can provide educational materials on climate and weather science that draw on the Centre’s expertise. These include curriculum-aligned lesson plans for secondary schools developed using workshops involving teachers and climate scientists.
Potential future employees: Working with the Centre’s Graduate Director, we can help expose external organisations to our numerous students and postdoc researchers. They have excellent transferable skills and move on to positions in academia, government labs and departments and the private sector.
The Knowledge Brokerage Team is mindful of the particular needs of Australian government departments and has produced the brochure “What can the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes offer governments?”.