by Claire Carouge
Scott Wales with Charmaine Franklin and Chun-Hsu Su from the Bureau of Meteorology have now successfully set up an atmospheric simulation at 400m over the whole of Australia with the Unified Model. Although Scott will explain in detail what has been achieved in a subsequent newsletter, it is worth noting this is the first time the UM has been used to run at such a high resolution over a region that large. This configuration will be run for a few days of simulation as part of the STRESS2020 project funded by NCI.
During the first trimester of 2020, the CMS team has focused on porting the climate models to Gadi. We have ported:
- the UM versions needed for AMIP of ACCESS-CM2, ACCESS-CM1, the nested suite as well as a few other versions used at the Centre.
- A range of WRF versions from v4.1.3 to v3.6
- Payu workflow tool has been ported as well as all the models driven via Payu with the exception of ACCESS-ESM. The work on ACCESS-ESM is continuing and the model should be available soon hopefully.
It is worth noting the work on one of the configurations supported by Payu has enabled NCI to identify an issue with the Lustre filesystem for which they are currently working out a solution with the vendor.
The CMS team has also restarted the training sessions for the Centre. Unfortunately, with the shutdowns for COVID19, we have to make some modifications as we won’t have the time to prepare new training material as frequently. We will use already recorded material instead. Additionally, since it can be difficult for people to connect at a specific time every week, we’ll send the training 2 weeks in advance for people to work through it then we’ll use the video calls for questions.