Hydrological extremes by their very nature are rare events and require careful use of statistical methods to ensure robust and reliable predictions.
Talk summary
Hydrological extremes by their very nature are rare events and require careful use of statistical methods to ensure robust and reliable predictions. This presentation focuses on two case studies of the application of statistical methods in hydrological engineering. The first example is the use of discrete wavelet transforms to better understand the drivers of multi-year droughts in the Murray Darling Basin and how the frequency and severity of these events will change in the future. The second case study focuses on the other side of the metaphorical hydrologic coin – flooding rains and application of extreme value statistics to quantify the risk of extreme rainfall events historically and into the future.
This seminar is part of the School of Mathematics and Statistics’ ‘Mathematics for Planet Earth’ initiative. For more information go to www.mathsforearth.com.
Speaker Bio:
Fiona Johnson is a Senior Lecturer and Scientia Fellow in the Faculty of Engineering, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She is interested in changes to flooding, droughts and extreme events due to climate change and her research focus is on how best to use climate models in engineering design, with a particular interest in statistical methods that can answer these questions. Through her research, Fiona aims to provide sustainable solutions to the water engineering problems faced by communities, particularly those in developing countries.