- 10.00: Neil Holbrook. Marine heat waves
- 10.20: Annette Hirsch. Variable influence of land surface conditions as a precursor to heatwave events
- 10.40: Melissa Hart. The interaction between the urban heat island and heat waves
- 11.00: Donna Green. Public health and heatwaves, what do we know matters most?
- 11.20: Malcolm King. Understanding the dynamics of south-eastern Australian heatwaves
- 11.40: Michael Reeder. Synoptic-dynamics of summertime heat waves in Sydney
- 12.00: Debbie Hudson. BoM plans: Forecasting heat waves on sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales
12.20 – 1.00: Lunch
- 1.00: Paola Petrelli How and why the CMS is involved in the RP
- 1.10: Acacia Pepler. The relationship between Australian extreme temperatures and the subtropical ridge
- 1.30: Eun-pa Lim. Impact of the SH polar vortex weakening on extreme high temperature over Australia in spring-summer
- 1.50: Andrew King. Using temperature record-breaking rates as a dataset comparison and model evaluation tool
- 2.10: Alejandro Di Luca. Decomposing future changes in Australian hot extremes
- 2.30: Sarah Kirkpatrick. An update on observed trends in heatwaves – regional & global
- 2.50: Michael Reeder. World Weather Research Programme HiWeather project
3.00: Coffee
- 3.20: Discussion
- Topics for discussion include:
- Current state of the program.
- Are we on track to answer the questions set out in the proposal?
- Are there significant holes in the program (e.g. cold waves)?
- Are there impediments to answering the proposed questions (e.g. too few graduate students)?
- Common case studies and model runs.
- Additional collaborations within the program.
Close: 5 pm
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