The ocean is integral to planetary and human sustenance. It has a crucial role to play in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as currently in the recovery from the COVID-19 global pandemic particularly through strategies for growing the blue economy. But the health of the ocean itself is under severe threat with increasing pressures from human activities. Its potential therefore hangs in the balance.
On the occasion of the 2021 World Oceans Day: The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods, this virtual dialogue will address the urgency of progressing an integrated and inclusive ocean action agenda in the next decade. Reflecting on the findings of the Second World Ocean Assessment and the High-level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, it will address the challenges to achieving integrated management of the ocean and look to opportunities to foster multi-stakeholder, and multi-scalar coordination and collaboration including within the framework of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030).
Dr Karen Evans, Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere. She is involved in research focused on improving scientific understanding and developing options for sustainable marine resource management, particularly in relation to national and international fisheries. She also leads research aimed at improving reporting of biodiversity assessments at national, regional and global scales and providing baseline information for assessing the impacts of oil and gas activities on the marine environment. Karen’s expertise and international reputation has seen her contribute to UN regular processes such as the Integrated Global Assessment of the Marine Environment, including Socio-economic Aspects and the World Meteorological Organisation Joint CAgM/JCOMM Task Team on Weather, Climate and Fisheries.
Dr Joeli Veitayaki, Associate Professor at the School of Marine Studies, University of South Pacific(USP). He is also Director for the International Ocean Institute Pacific Islands based at the USP and is Co-Chair of the Korea-South Pacific Ocean Forum. He is a trained teacher who did his Bachelor of Arts in Education and Masters of Arts studies at USP. He obtained his PhD in Environment Management and Development from the National Centre of Development Studies (NCDS) at the Australian National University. Apart from teaching, Joeli conducts research in different parts of Fiji and the Pacific Island Countries with partners from USP and abroad to promote the sustainable use and management of marine resources.