Homeward Bound is a Women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) leadership program with a long-term goal to build and support, over the next 10 years, a global network of 1000 women focusing on the leadership and strategy required to contribute towards a more sustainable future. Each year’s cohort undertakes a year-long program to develop leadership, strategic and communication capabilities, culminating in a 3-week voyage to Antarctica. Melissa Hart was selected via a globally competitive application process to join the second cohort of the program. In March she joined 79 women from 18 countries on the largest ever all women expedition to Antarctica. This seminar will cover the people, place and program that make up Homeward Bound. There will be penguin photos.
Physical location: Climate Change Research Centre, Seminar Room, Mathews Building 4th floor, UNSW, Sydney.
Zoom details:
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