NESP Webinar: Understanding future extreme sea levels: tools and information to support coastal management

NESP Webinar: How will rainfall change in Northern Australia over the coming century?

NESP Webinar Online

In this webinar, Dr Josephine Brown will talk about her work on exploring the causes of model uncertainty in projections of Northern Australian rainfall, including efforts to limit this uncertainty using information about model skill, observations of recent trends and understanding of the relevant physical processes. This information will be used to improve the next generation of regional projections.

BoM Webinar: Get near real-time soil moisture estimates for your location or catchment

BoM Webinar No physical address, Australia

Alison Oke (Senior Hydrologist). In this webinar we discuss ways to obtain data and information for climatological, agricultural and flood modelling, water resources assessment, bushfire risk management and education. As the only source of information about the landscape water balance for the whole of Australia, the Australian Landscape Water Balance provides nationally consistent modelled data... View Article