AMOS Free Public Lecture: A decade on – lessons from Black Saturday

Five of the nation's leading fire weather experts discuss Black Saturday and the decade of research since—which has changed the way we forecast and respond to current and future bushfire events.

Keynote Panel discussion: Power the World Q&A

Basement Theatre (B117) Melbourne School of Design, Masson Rd, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

As governments across the world struggle with the issue of energy security in a low carbon world, we have gathered an expert panel of researchers and specialists from the university and business sectors to discuss how we might power the world now and into the future, and answer your questions about the future of energy production and capacity.

Seminar: Capturing marine biodiversity: New tools and a glimpse of the future

Aurora Lecture Theatre 101 Aurora Lecture Theatre, IMAS Waterfront Building, Salamanca, Tasmania, Australia

As human pressures on natural systems escalate, understanding and predicting the distribution biodiversity, now and into the future, has become increasingly important for managing marine systems. Biological data are usually sparse and patchy, yet managers need comprehensive information at broad spatial scales to make important decisions such as prioritising areas for conservation (e.g. Marine Protected... View Article