Join us for the Centre's official opening
The formal opening of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes is on Tuesday, April 10.
Book launch: Sunburnt Country: the history and future of climate change in Australia by Joelle Gergis.
Book launch: Sunburnt Country: the history and future of climate change in Australia by Joelle Gergis
Book launch: Sunburnt Country: the history and future of climate change in Australia by Joelle Gergis
In this symposium, we present early results from research under the international Coal Transitions project and research getting underway as part of the Energy Transition Research Hub.
Speakers: Dr Andrew Constable (ACE CRC) - Overview and Context; Dr Huw Griffiths (British Antarctic Survey) - Species responses: Seafloor winners and losers in warmer seas; Dr Rowan Trebiclo (ACE CRC) - How can models help us assess and manage change?; Dr Jeff McGee (UTas) - Challenges for governing a changing Southern Ocean.
Dr Coady argues that, contrary to Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and a number of other authors, climate change gives rise to personal, not just political, obligations.
The intersection of climate variability and extremes - Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick: Climate variability and heatwaves. Yiling Liu: The potential prediction skill of mean and extreme climate conditions on interannual to decadal timescales.
Earth Sciences seminar series: The Australian monsoon and climate change: What can models tells us?