Histories: Singapore’s Climate in the Past, Present and Future

Calendar of Events

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S Sun

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2 events,


“Why should I bother?” to “Yes, we can!”: Risk, willingness, and cooperation in action on climate change

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NASA 2021 Earth System Science Technology Forum: Session 4: Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation

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2 events,


Our future ocean


Celebrating our oceans: From Australia to the Pacific to Antarctica

3 events,


Mis)(Dis)information, online social networks, and mathematics


Maximising benefits of environmental flows through adaptive management


Climate change and hydrological risk – a humanitarian engineering perspective

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2 events,


A tale of two quasi-linear convective systems, their mesoscale structure and moisture sources


Cleaning up with science

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1 event,


President’s Conversation, Bearing Witness? – humanities teaching in a time of environmental catastrophe

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1 event,


The 2021 Howitt Lecture: Coastal Resilience: How Landforms Cope with Changing Waves and Rising Seas

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1 event,


Atlantic Pole to Pole: Climate Science 2 Policy

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