Seminar: Making climate detection and attribution scientists redundant

Book launch: Joelle Gergis Sunburnt Country

State Library of NSW Macquarie St, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Book launch: Sunburnt Country: the history and future of climate change in Australia by Joelle Gergis.

Seminar: Making climate detection and attribution scientists redundant

Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) 4th Floor, Matthews Building, UNSW, Kensington, NSW, Australia

Dáithí Stone National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand. Over the past couple of decades a large number of studies have diagnosed the contribution of emissions from human activities to observed climate trends, by confronting process-based expectations with long-term monitoring. Over the same period a much larger number of studies have diagnosed... View Article

Seminar: Loss of fixed nitrogen causes net oxygen gain in a warmer future ocean.

Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) 4th Floor, Matthews Building, UNSW, Kensington, NSW, Australia

Andreas Oschlies (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research). Oceanic anoxic events have been associated with warm climates in Earth history, and there are concerns that current ocean deoxygenation may eventually lead to anoxia. On the contrary, results of a multi-millennial global-warming simulation reveal, after a transitory deoxygenation, a marine oxygen inventory 6% higher than preindustrial... View Article

Seminar: How Tropical Cyclones Influence, and are Influenced by Climate

Australian German Climate and Energy College Level 1, 187 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Greg Holland A lot of attention has been given to the potential influence that climate change may have on tropical cyclone activity. But very little has been said about the way in which tropical cyclones influence climate. In this presentation, I will summarise the current understanding of tropical cyclone response to climate change, then move... View Article