August 14, 2018 4:32 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
This project will use one or more simplified climate model(s) to investigate the importance of the tropical stratosphere in modulating the effects of ENSO and the MJO on Southern Hemisphere climate. It can either involve the actual model setup and running, model output analysis, the review of current scientific knowledge and hypotheses, or a combination of these.
August 3, 2018 7:50 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
On Wednesday, June 27, we celebrated the achievements of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Systems Science with a legacy event at Old Parliament House. The celebrations also included three masterclasses in various aspects of climate science.
April 12, 2018 7:56 am
Published by Climate Extremes
The Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes was officially launched on Tuesday, April 10, at the University of New South Wales (Sydney) by the Minister for Small and Family Business, the Workplace and Deregulation, The Hon. Craig Laundy MP.
July 19, 2018 4:41 am
Published by Climate Extremes
Highlights Publications by year 2024 2023 2022 Journal Articles Abram, N. J., Wright, N. M., Ellis, B., Dixon, B. C., Wurtzel, J. B., England, M. H., et al. (2022). Author Correction: Coupling of Indo-Pacific climate variability over the last millennium. Nature, 602(7896), E20–E20. Adamu, M., Gallant, A. J. E., & McGregor, S. (2022). Decadal-scale variations in extreme precipitation and implications for seasonal scale drought. Climate Dynamics, 58(5), 1845–1860. Ahn, M.-S., Gleckler, P. J., Lee, J., Pendergrass, A. G.,... View Article