Our research shows storms will intensify as temperature rise. This PhD will assess the extent of increase using climate modelling experiments. Such experiments have traditionally suffered from the considerable biases present in GCM simulations of the lower and lateral boundary conditions that define a high resolution climate model experiment. This PhD will use sophisticated alternatives for removing systematic biases in the lateral boundary conditions of such experiments, with the aim of assessing the extent of change that results in the resulting extreme storm. Outcomes here can help define how we design Civil Engineering infrastructure in warming climates.
The ideal candidate here needs to know her/his hydrology, statistics and coding, and be a clever communicator to allow dissemination of research to the wider public, research audiences in conferences, as well as the media if such opportunities arise. In our experience, if a starting student knows her/his coding, publications start flowing within one year of the start of the PhD. Please see these past PhDs from the group to learn of the typical outcomes each PhD results in. Many of the PhD graduates listed are senior academics both in and outside of Australia, which is a result of the strong publications based research plan each PhD has sought to achieve. Hence, any incoming student would need to be confident to apply themselves and have comparable or stronger outcomes than the past graduates listed.
As the project entails running climate models, experience with varied computer platforms is a plus. However, if the applicant is computer savvy, this can be taught in the first month or two to get them ready to undertake the complex modelling tasks this research entails. The project will specifically use the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) dynamical downscaling tool, along with computer platforms such as R and MATLAB. Coding experience on all of these will be a plus.