Bachelor of Science in Physics, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Brazil (1999) Master of Science in Physical Oceanography, University of São Paulo, Brazil (2001) PhD in Physical Oceanography, University of São Paulo, Brazil (2006)


A/Prof Taschetto investigates the mechanisms by which the oceans affect global and regional climate, using observations and numerical models. Her work looks at the impact of sea surface temperature variability on precipitation over Australia and elsewhere. She is interested in the mechanisms of the different types of El Niño Southern Oscillation; how these influence atmospheric circulation, interact with other oceanic basins and affect extreme events such as droughts and heavy rainfall. A/Prof Taschetto was awarded the Australian Academy of Science Dorothy Hill Award in 2016 for her contribution to the climate science field. She was awarded an Australian Research Council (ARC) postdoctoral fellowship in 2010 and an ARC Future Fellowship in 2016. She was a council member of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and is currently a co-chair of the CLIVAR Pacific Regional Panel and a member of the Tropical Basin Interactions Research Foci. She is an Editor of the Journal of the Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science (JSHESS). She is also affiliated with the NESP Climate Systems Hub. Her work looks at the impact of global sea surface temperature variability on regional precipitation over Australia and South America. She is particular interested in the mechanisms of the different types of El Nino Southern Oscillation and how these influence atmospheric circulation and interact with other oceanic basins. Andrea was awarded the Australian Academy of Science Dorothy Hill Award in 2016 for her contribution to the climate science field.