Bachelor of Science (Hons). Department of Applied Mathematics, Monash University (1993).
PhD School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne (2005).
Pandora's scientific interests are wide ranging, with a particular focus on Australian and Southern Hemisphere climate extremes, variability and change. She is interested in understanding climate change in the context of the underlying weather systems (e.g. Hope et al. 2014, Pepler et al. 2018).
The rainfall decline across southern Australia has also been an on-going interest through her career (Bates et al. 2008, Hope et al. 2015a, 2017b).
Recently her focus has been on the attribution of extremes events. She has helped develop novel approaches using a dynamical seasonal forecasting framework to assess extreme Australian heat (Hope et al. 2015b, 2016) and wet (Hope et al. 2018). In another study she assessed the climate factors that might have led to extensive dieback of tropical mangroves in 2015 (Harris et al. 2017). Pandora has also been exploring how monthly wet extremes can influence subsequent temperature (Hope and Watterson, 2018).
She also continues to be interested in palaeoclimate (Hope et al. 2017a).