The science behind climate extremes is fascinating and diverse.
Our experts love to share their work with the media, websites like The Conversation and here at – here’s some of their latest articles.
Note: sometimes we also share work and articles from researchers and organisations not directly affiliated or funded by our Centre. We love to share interesting work done by others in our field. If you’d like to share or adapt our work, please get in touch – email
What is a compound event in weather and climate?
A compound event is when bad weather and climate events combine together. Storms, droughts, floods and fires can become compound events.
Poorer countries must be compensated for climate damage. But how exactly do we crunch the numbers?
Low-income nations have contributed relatively little to global emissions. Compensation from richer nations is vital to helping them manage the growing burden of climate harms.
How will the Madden-Julian Oscillation respond to climate change?
As the tropical climate warms, the intensity of rainfall and winds associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation as well as their patterns may change, leading to intense debate and scrutiny of how extratropical weather will be affected.
Torrents of Antarctic meltwater are slowing the currents that drive our vital ocean ‘overturning’ – and threaten its collapse
Much of the abyssal ocean has warmed in recent decades, with the most rapid trends detected near Antarctica, in a pattern very similar to our model simulations.
How do I write a cold email for a PhD opportunity?
I learnt the benefits of reaching out through e-mail while I was a student, now I receive many cold e-mails myself. Here’s how to write a good one.
What can we expect from the final UN climate report? And what is the IPCC anyway?
This is a crucial moment, because the chance to limit warming and avert dangerous climate change is slipping away.