The science behind climate extremes is fascinating and diverse.
Our experts love to share their work with the media, websites like The Conversation and here at – here’s some of their latest articles.
Note: sometimes we also share work and articles from researchers and organisations not directly affiliated or funded by our Centre. We love to share interesting work done by others in our field. If you’d like to share or adapt our work, please get in touch – email
Climate scientists explain SA/NT’s wild winds in 2022
Climate scientists working hard to predict if wild winds will occur more under climate change
Climate science on International Women’s Day
This International Women’s Day join the call for removing the structures, systems and barriers that exclude women in STEM.
Curious Kids: where does wind actually come from?
Wind happens because the Sun heats some parts of the planet more than others, and this uneven heating starts a wind going.
Climate experts and coders come together for “hackathon”
38 experts from across Australia collaborated to develop and share code for use with ocean climate models.
From floods to fire? A climate scientist on the chances El Niño will hit Australia this year
It’s not yet clear exactly how climate change may be altering El Niño. However, there are indications climate change may be moving El Niño events towards the central Pacific nearer the international dateline.
Disastrous floods in WA – why were we not prepared?
It’s time we include Indigenous knowledge when creating disaster risk management strategies and climate change adaptation plans.