Tag Archive: 2017

Research brief: Urban heat island effect amplifies Sydney heatwaves

July 14, 2021 1:46 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Urban heat island effect amplifies Sydney heatwaves

This research uses Sydney, Australia’s largest city, as a test case for our new configuration of the Weather and Research Forecasting model run at a very high resolution of 800 m with a new urban classification scheme that describes the complexity of Sydney’s built environment.

Research brief: Understanding the origin of ENSO diversity for improved forecasts

July 25, 2018 3:00 am Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Understanding the origin of ENSO diversity for improved forecasts

It is hoped this proposed synthesis of two ENSO structures, their interaction with each other and how they respond to external forcing, will be the catalyst for future research and practical applications for forecasting and determining the impacts of present and future ENSO events.