Tag Archive: Australian Research Council

Knowledge Brokerage Team report – August 2020

August 18, 2020 10:51 am Published by Comments Off on Knowledge Brokerage Team report – August 2020

The Knowledge Brokerage Team farewells James Goldie who moves ot the Monash Climate Change Communications Research Hub, adds a briefing note highlighting sudden stratospheric warming, and increases its reach in developing school lesson plans.

RP4 Climate Variability and Teleconnections report – August 2020

August 17, 2020 1:55 pm Published by Comments Off on RP4 Climate Variability and Teleconnections report – August 2020

Despite the pandemic, the recent few months have seen a range of triumphs with completed PhDs being prominent among them. Our research has revealed the powerful influence of small scale and large scale ocean processes on our current and future climate.

RP3 Drought report – August 2020

August 17, 2020 1:34 pm Published by Comments Off on RP3 Drought report – August 2020

The Drought program farewells Michael Roderick who has retired and looks over an extensive range of research that has been carried out despite the global pandemic. Some significant model improvements, new datasets and deeper insights into past and future climates show the depth of the research effort.

RP2 Heatwaves and cold air outbreaks report – August 2020

August 17, 2020 1:17 pm Published by Comments Off on RP2 Heatwaves and cold air outbreaks report – August 2020

As well as winning a Pulitzer Prize, the RP2 team has been working closely on improving models, developed two new metrics and through studying marine heatwaves may have revealed a method of forecasting these heatwaves around Tasmania up to two years ahead.

COO report – August 2020

August 17, 2020 12:43 pm Published by Comments Off on COO report – August 2020

At the start of the Covid pandemic Stephen hypothesised that many people would go through three stages in our personal responses to remote working arrangements and isolation.

Director’s Report – August 2020

August 14, 2020 12:54 pm Published by Comments Off on Director’s Report – August 2020

This is a tough and unique time for everyone in CLEX. I had anticipated the pandemic being over by now (note the predictive skill of a modeller) and it is confronting to be writing this while Victoria is in lockdown and world leaders are worried about shower pressure.