Tag Archive: CLEX

Research brief: IPCC review reveals climate impacts occur at lower temperatures than previously thought.

October 19, 2020 1:59 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: IPCC review reveals climate impacts occur at lower temperatures than previously thought.

An international review of IPCC reports since 2001 has found that as the science has improved with each report, a trend has appeared showing climate related impacts like heatwaves, the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet and coral bleaching are likely to occur at lower global mean temperatures than estimated in earlier reports.

Self-Doubt and Statistical Fallacies: My First Time Reviewing

October 6, 2020 9:59 am Published by Comments Off on Self-Doubt and Statistical Fallacies: My First Time Reviewing

Kim Reid's first peer review task is to review the manuscript of two of the biggest names in her field of expertise. In taking on this daunting challenge she finds a useful online guide and remembers the key teaching of a CLEX chief investigator, Dietmar Dommenget.

Researchers call on Australian citizen scientists to collect storm data

October 1, 2020 12:08 pm Published by Comments Off on Researchers call on Australian citizen scientists to collect storm data

Australia researchers are calling on storm chasers and members of the general public fascinated by severe weather to take part in a citizen science project that will help better capture the occurrence of extreme weather events and improve our ability to forecast them.

Graduate Director’s report – August 2020

August 21, 2020 10:23 am Published by Comments Off on Graduate Director’s report – August 2020

Melissa Hart discusses how the Centre is doing its best to navigate the COVID crisis with virtual lunches, an online winter school, and the lines of support. Harry the cat also puts in an appearance, of course.

CMS report – August 2020

August 20, 2020 1:18 pm Published by Comments Off on CMS report – August 2020

Claire Carouge highlights the role the CMS team played in the development of ACCESS-ESM1.5, the role of Payu in the same model, the arrival of CleF 1.0.1, and announces new precipitation datasets have been added to our CLEX collection.

WeatheX app gets an update

August 18, 2020 1:09 pm Published by Comments Off on WeatheX app gets an update

Following a workshop with all the stakeholders, the Weathex app received funds for a range of updates that are available now.

Knowledge Brokerage Team report – August 2020

August 18, 2020 10:51 am Published by Comments Off on Knowledge Brokerage Team report – August 2020

The Knowledge Brokerage Team farewells James Goldie who moves ot the Monash Climate Change Communications Research Hub, adds a briefing note highlighting sudden stratospheric warming, and increases its reach in developing school lesson plans.