Tag Archive: climate change

How sensitive is the Earth’s temperature to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

November 19, 2020 1:52 pm Published by Comments Off on How sensitive is the Earth’s temperature to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

A landmark new international review of climate sensitivity led by ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes researcher Prof Steven Sherwood has reduced the uncertainty in Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity. Estimates of likely values now vary by less than a factor of two. The new assessment concludes that the climate is more sensitive to atmospheric carbon dioxide than some previous estimates.

UNSW08: What would happen if we suddenly warmed the entire ocean at the sea-surface?

August 6, 2020 1:35 pm Published by Comments Off on UNSW08: What would happen if we suddenly warmed the entire ocean at the sea-surface?

What would happen if we suddenly warmed the entire ocean at the sea-surface? Would suddenly cooling it down cause an equal and opposite response? Using ocean climate models we have carried out these and many more extreme experiments. The student will explore the asymmetric and often surprising behaviour of the ocean.

UNSW05: Faster warming in the Alps

August 6, 2020 1:27 pm Published by Comments Off on UNSW05: Faster warming in the Alps

The Australian Alps are the highest mountain range in Australia and is an important region in terms of ecosystem, biodiversity, energy generation and winter tourism. Alpine areas are vulnerable to climate change. This project will use NARCLiM simulations to analyse the relationship between warming rates and changes in albedo and surface energy budget.

Heatwave trends accelerate worldwide

July 2, 2020 7:00 pm Published by Comments Off on Heatwave trends accelerate worldwide

The first comprehensive worldwide assessment of heatwaves down to regional levels has revealed that in nearly every part of the world heatwaves have been increasing in frequency and duration since the 1950’s. The research has also produced a new metric, cumulative heat, which reveals exactly how much heat is packed into individual heatwaves and heatwave seasons.

Research brief: Natural variations shift rain-bearing winds south

June 30, 2020 10:46 am Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Natural variations shift rain-bearing winds south

CLEX researchers found the influence of climate change and the depletion in stratospheric ozone are the major drivers over the Atlantic Oceans that shift westerly winds further south. However, over the Pacific and Indian oceans natural variations induced by sea surface temperature changes in the tropical Pacific also play an important role.

Research brief: Cold air below thunderstorms affects storm orientation

June 22, 2020 3:47 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Cold air below thunderstorms affects storm orientation

This study investigates the influence of cold pools, which are evaporatively cooled regions of air near the surface, below thunderstorms, on the orientation of line‐organized thunderstorm clusters using computer model simulations.