August 17, 2020 1:17 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
As well as winning a Pulitzer Prize, the RP2 team has been working closely on improving models, developed two new metrics and through studying marine heatwaves may have revealed a method of forecasting these heatwaves around Tasmania up to two years ahead.
July 24, 2020 1:10 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
CLEX researchers addressed the error compensation issue for temperature extremes by defining a novel performance metric that identifies those models that can simulate temperature extremes well and simulate them well for the right reasons.
June 12, 2020 12:48 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
New research suggests that increasing spatial resolution alone is not sufficient to obtain a systematic improvement in the simulation of precipitation extremes, and other improvements (e.g. physics, tuning) may be required.
June 2, 2020 10:50 am
Published by Climate Extremes
An analysis of new climate model projections by Australian researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes shows southwestern Australia and parts of southern Australia will see longer and more intense droughts due to a lack of rainfall caused by climate change.
May 25, 2020 11:45 am
Published by Climate Extremes
A group of international researchers using CMIP6 models to determine how heavy precipitation events will alter with climate change. The northern hemisphere in particular showed a strong warming signal for increased precipitation.
May 18, 2020 11:02 am
Published by Climate Extremes
Australian researchers assess the ability of recently released climate models to simulate the climate of Australia and the new scenarios for 21st Century climate change.
April 22, 2020 12:22 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
CLEX authors and colleagues from major Australian science organisations investigating climate examined the simulation of Australian climate in the new, state-of-the-art Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, phase 6 (CMIP6) models.
December 7, 2019 8:00 am
Published by Climate Extremes
Research from RP2, highlights how bushfires may change in the future, explores differences in heatwaves and shows how Antarctic conditions can affect Australia.
December 7, 2019 3:00 am
Published by Climate Extremes
The CMS team took part in the Australasian Leadership Computing Symposium, are preparing a grand computing challenge for the new supercomputer Gadi, have made available a CMIP6 dataset, and is in the process of porting models from Raijin.
November 4, 2019 3:02 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
Simon Marsland (CSIRO/ESCC Hub/CLEX/IMAS). Ensuring Australian climate model simulations inform global climate assessments. Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub Science Webinar Series. Full details and registration here.