CMS talks: Git with a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
May 7, 2019 2:28 pm Comments Off on CMS talks: Git with a Graphical User Interface (GUI)Claire Carouge (CLEX CMS) explains the basics of Sourcetree, a graphical user interface for git.
Claire Carouge (CLEX CMS) explains the basics of Sourcetree, a graphical user interface for git.
CMS Talks: Git Part 1 - Introduction to Git by Holger Wolff.
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) covers some basic Bash topics
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) covers some basic Bash topics - variables, loops (for, while, until).
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) covers some basic Bash topics
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) covers some basic Bash topics
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) continues an overview of the Git version control system
Holger Wolff (CLEX CMS) talks about using Git and version control.
Paola Petrelli (CLEX CMS) and Kate Snow (NCI) talk about CMIP6 and Clef, the tool CMS have developed for searching CMIP datasets at NCI.
Aidan Heerdegen (CLEX CMS) talks about new features in Payu, and how to run ACCESS-OM2.