April 13, 2021 2:05 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
Clemente Lopez-Bravo has created two datasets – L1 and L2 – of satellite observations of cloud properties across Australia and the Maritime Continent. The datasets, which have been released for the scientific community, are at a 2km spatial resolution at hourly intervals and cover five Austral summers in the period from November 2015 to March 2020.
March 30, 2021 10:32 am
Published by Jenny Rislund
The accumulation of rainfall over a given area depends on a range of things, including duration, intensity, and propagation speed. It is the characteristics of convection that ultimately determine these rainfall properties. The idea for this project is to use a simple method to characterise the properties of the most intense convective / rainfall bearing systems from radar data.
June 22, 2020 3:47 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
This study investigates the influence of cold pools, which are evaporatively cooled regions of air near the surface, below thunderstorms, on the orientation of line‐organized thunderstorm clusters using computer model simulations.
October 5, 2018 2:15 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
The Extreme Rainfall Research Program of the Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX) held a workshop on October 4 at the University of New South Wales (Sydney). There were 30 participants representing the CLEX nodes, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and National Centre for Atmospheric Research.