Tag Archive: ESCC

RP2 Heatwaves & cold Air Outbreaks – December 2020

December 12, 2020 4:43 pm Published by Comments Off on RP2 Heatwaves & cold Air Outbreaks – December 2020

The past four months have seen the Heatwaves and Cold Air Outbreaks research program focus very much on improving our capacity to understand and help others in research and industry get an insight into the impact of extreme heat events.

Canberra 2032: a perfect storm

November 27, 2018 11:13 am Published by Comments Off on Canberra 2032: a perfect storm

It is February of 2032, and Canberra is living and breathing a warmed climate. Temperatures have climbed above 40 °C. Drought across south-east Australia has drained Canberra’s water supply, while bushfires burn the neighbouring national parks. This was the hypothetical scenario given to 40 or so young professionals from a range of professional backgrounds (defence, engineering, finance, state/federal government, academia, medicine) who attended the Earth Systems and Climate Change (ESCC) Hub’s latest Young Professional event.