Tag Archive: IAG

Conferences in the time of COVID

February 26, 2021 11:50 am Published by Comments Off on Conferences in the time of COVID

This time last year Kim Reid was planning a Euro-adventure where she would attend a summer school in the Swiss Alps, attend EGU, visit Reading and the Met Office and explore some castles on the side. Now she and her supervisor joke that if case numbers stay low, Kim might be able to visit a university in the same city.

CLEX Research Vital Input to IAG/NCAR report

December 12, 2020 6:40 pm Published by Comments Off on CLEX Research Vital Input to IAG/NCAR report

In September 2020, IAG and NCAR released a report Severe Weather in a Changing Climate (second edition), which incorporated research findings from numerous CLEX researchers. CLEX feedback also led to the incorporation of a new section on connected extremes in this report, highlighting the value of research into weather extremes.

Researchers call on Australian citizen scientists to collect storm data

October 1, 2020 12:08 pm Published by Comments Off on Researchers call on Australian citizen scientists to collect storm data

Australia researchers are calling on storm chasers and members of the general public fascinated by severe weather to take part in a citizen science project that will help better capture the occurrence of extreme weather events and improve our ability to forecast them.

WeatheX app gets an update

August 18, 2020 1:09 pm Published by Comments Off on WeatheX app gets an update

Following a workshop with all the stakeholders, the Weathex app received funds for a range of updates that are available now.

Knowledge Brokerage Team report – August 2019

August 1, 2019 5:00 am Published by Comments Off on Knowledge Brokerage Team report – August 2019

The CLEX Knowledge Brokerage Team (KBT) is now well and truly bedded down after coming into existence in October 2018. Team leader Ian Macadam has visited each of the CLEX university nodes and has attempted to answer the question on everyone’s lips “So what is a knowledge broker anyway?”.