September 1, 2021 12:13 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
Climate Australia host Lee Constable is joined by CLEX Media and Communications Manager Alvin Stone; Research Fellow at Monash University and founder of Skeptical Science Dr John Cook; and Deputy Head of the UNSW School of Psychology Prof Ben Newell to explore the current research around communicating climate science
August 13, 2021 3:47 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
One of CLEX’s aims is to promote climate and weather science to secondary school students of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) subjects. We do this by bringing together secondary teachers and climate scientists in Climate Classroom workshops that develop teaching resources using climate science that can be used in the Australian secondary school curriculum.
April 12, 2021 10:57 am
Published by Climate Extremes
In 2021, the Knowledge Brokerage Team has hit the ground running with a paper in ECR, Climate Classrooms at AMOS, a new CLEX prize for engagement, and an increasing number of external links to new and old stakeholders.
April 12, 2021 10:32 am
Published by Climate Extremes
Sanaa Hobeichi and Ian Macadam of the CLEX Knowledge Brokerage team are spearheading Climate Classrooms, a joint project of CLEX and the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub (MCCCRH) that aims to raise the profile of climate science in secondary school Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects.
February 15, 2021 11:37 am
Published by Climate Extremes
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX) invites applications from talented Graphic Designers to join their team. The Graphic Designer will be producing graphics and visual aids to assist in communicating the centre's research to the public, schools, businesses and government.
December 12, 2020 3:29 pm
Published by Climate Extremes
The challenges of 2020 have impacted our briefing notes but we combined forces with NESP ESCC to produce an impressive overview of climate sensitivity. Our mid-term review has invigorated the team and a science-teacher workshop is well underway for AMOS.
August 18, 2020 10:51 am
Published by Climate Extremes
The Knowledge Brokerage Team farewells James Goldie who moves ot the Monash Climate Change Communications Research Hub, adds a briefing note highlighting sudden stratospheric warming, and increases its reach in developing school lesson plans.
April 1, 2020 5:00 am
Published by Climate Extremes
The Knowledge Brokerage Team had a very successful outing as part of AMOS with its involvement in the Climate Across the Curriculum workshop. Lesson plans are now in train working with teachers and other experts.
August 2, 2019 10:00 am
Published by Climate Extremes
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX) held its annual Winter School for CLEX related students from June 24-28, this year. To cap off the Winter School, a targeted communication half-day session was organised for the Friday afternoon by a collaborative team of communicators and knowledge brokers from CLEX, the Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub (ESCC hub) and the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub.
August 1, 2019 5:00 am
Published by Climate Extremes
The CLEX Knowledge Brokerage Team (KBT) is now well and truly bedded down after coming into existence in October 2018. Team leader Ian Macadam has visited each of the CLEX university nodes and has attempted to answer the question on everyone’s lips “So what is a knowledge broker anyway?”.