Tag Archive: ocean mixing

Research brief: How heat in the Indian Ocean moves between the ocean and atmosphere

September 6, 2019 2:40 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: How heat in the Indian Ocean moves between the ocean and atmosphere

In this study, CLEX researchers use two years of measurements from a flux mooring combined with satellite data and model outputs to understand the seasonal changes in air‐sea fluxes and the role of ocean currents in controlling ocean surface temperatures in the southeast Indian Ocean.

Research brief: Southern Ocean’s clockwise eddies are most productive

August 15, 2018 10:43 am Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Southern Ocean’s clockwise eddies are most productive

CLEX researchers found that counter-clockwise rotating eddies in the Southern Ocean mix the ocean deeper in winter, allowing more nutrients to enter their interiors, leading to higher productivity.  This work is important because eddy productivity plays a significant role in the exchange of carbon between the ocean and the atmosphere.

Research brief: New research rewrites Southern Ocean mixing calculations

April 26, 2018 11:41 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: New research rewrites Southern Ocean mixing calculations

World-first modelling research– which used several million CPU hours in Australia’s fastest supercomputer, Raijin, and ran calculations non-stop for over a year – has revealed the Southern Ocean mixes water between the depths and surface far more easily than previously thought.