CMS talks: Basic Python 2
July 1, 2019 12:17 pm Comments Off on CMS talks: Basic Python 2Claire Carouge (CLEX CMS) continues the Python introduction.
Claire Carouge (CLEX CMS) continues the Python introduction.
Claire introduces the basics of Python 3 using jupyter notebooks. Instructions to install Python on your machine.
How does the connection between Antarctica and Australia change over time? This project will help us understand Australia’s long term climate history and the range of extreme rainfall Australia experiences by exploring this connection.
This research aims to explore subtropical mode water in the South Atlantic and investigate the physical processes behind its formation and variability.
This project will use output from a large ensemble of state-of-the-art climate models to examine changes to the Indian Ocean circulation and how it links to changes projected for the Pacific and Atlantic basins and surface winds.
The Schools Weather and Air Quality (SWAQ) network is placing instruments in Sydney schools to fill gaps in meteorological and air quality observational sites (www.swaq.org.au). This project will contribute to the development of the SWAQ network and assess the influences of spatial variability in Sydney's urban climate and air quality.
Convective vertical velocity is crucial for understanding cloud-precipitation systems, yet direct observations of convective vertical velocity are currently limited. In this project, you will estimate convective cloud top vertical velocity using Himawari-8/9 satellite data available at 2 km resolution every 10 minutes over Northern Australia since July 2015.
This project will use satellite and flux tower observations to characterise the response of Australian ecosystems to water stress. These data will then be used to evaluate how well the Australian climate model predicts droughts. The successful candidate will obtain skills in programming and analysis of spatial datasets and model outputs.
This project will examine ‘mixed teleconnections’ using coupled climate models. In particular, we will examine how El Nino and La Nina events can affect western boundary currents in the Pacific and Indian basin. It will involve using large model and observational datasets and require a background in either MATLAB or python. Some experience with linux is desirable.
In this project, you will investigate the atmospheric dynamics associated with the onset of the monsoon, for example, the influence of mid-latitude and tropical disturbances. You will gain useful and transferable skills in data analysis and programming, as well as an opportunity to contribute to an active area of research in Australian weather and climate science.