Tag Archive: radar

Research brief: Why Melbourne’s worst storms come in lines

September 3, 2021 8:51 am Published by Comments Off on Research brief: Why Melbourne’s worst storms come in lines

It has long been suggested in the literature, and discussed casually by meteorologists, that rainfall in Melbourne often occurs as lines of precipitation. However, this had yet to be quantified. CLEX researchers analysed 15 years of radar data from the Australian Radar Archive, using an objective method to identify and track these ‘linear systems’ based on radar reflectivity, size, and shape characteristics.

Research brief: How cumulus convection changes with extreme rainfall

July 13, 2021 2:59 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: How cumulus convection changes with extreme rainfall

CLEX researchers used data from a wind profiler radar pair at Darwin, Australia, to determine the characteristics of individual up- and downdrafts observed at the site. They found updrafts with 5km vertical heights with extreme rain rates.

A Christmas voyage aboard the RV Investigator

April 3, 2020 12:21 pm Published by Comments Off on A Christmas voyage aboard the RV Investigator

Onboard the RV Investigator as part of a scientific voyage over Christmas and new year, Rob Warren encountered a spectacular storm and performed research that will continue to improve Australia's radar network.