Tag Archive: Taimoor Sohail

67 days South of 67S

August 3, 2018 9:25 am Published by Comments Off on 67 days South of 67S

For 67 days from early March to mid May, Taimoor Sohail was aboard the US Antarctic Program icebreaker, the Nathaniel B. Palmer, on a scientific expedition from Hobart to Punta Arenas in Chile. It was relentless but very rewarding work, scientifically and personally.

Research brief: New research rewrites Southern Ocean mixing calculations

April 26, 2018 11:41 pm Published by Comments Off on Research brief: New research rewrites Southern Ocean mixing calculations

World-first modelling research– which used several million CPU hours in Australia’s fastest supercomputer, Raijin, and ran calculations non-stop for over a year – has revealed the Southern Ocean mixes water between the depths and surface far more easily than previously thought.