***This year’s winter school has been postponed due to current COVID situations. The new dates will be announced soon.***
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes will host its annual graduate level winter school June 21 – 25, 2021 at the Australian National University.
The theme of the 2021 Winter School is Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics.
Our Winter Schools are the cornerstone of our Graduate Program. We want to graduate students who not only have highly specialized knowledge in their own area of research, but also a broad understanding of the discipline as a whole. The winter school provides this opportunity. The theme of the winter schools changes each year, and shifts from broader, relevant to everyone, topics to more focused topics requiring prerequisite knowledge. This year there is an expectation that winter school participants are well-versed in the mathematics underpinning fluid dynamics, including partial differential equations and vector calculus. Students will be asked to provide details of their academic background during the application process.
Applicants will be asked for evidence that their supervisor(s) approve of them applying to attend the winter school. This is simply to ensure that supervisors are aware of the application. This need only be an email from one of your supervisors, saying “yes, you should apply”, or something similar.
Given possible COVID space restrictions, unfortunately this year applications will only be open to CLEX affiliated students. We will however place all winter school material on our website to be accessed by all.
To apply, click here. Applications close March 26, 2021.