The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes reduces Australia’s economic, social and environmental vulnerability to climate extremes.
We are an international research consortium of five Australian universities and a network of outstanding national and international partner organisations supported by the Australian Research Council.

“Climate models are how we predict the future of our climate – a crucial need as our planet warms.”
Professor Andrew Pitman, AO, FAA. Centre Director. ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes.

About Us
We lead vital climate science and predictions, train climate science leaders and prepare Australia for future climate extremes.

Our science
Climate extremes are high impact events that seriously affect natural and human systems. Our research programs investigate these events.

For policymakers
Governments and policymakers can access the latest science on climate extremes.
- Legacy of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes
- From mechanical engineering to urban climate: Maryam Fazeli’s unique career path
- New study links local meteorology to coral bleaching events in the Great Barrier Reef
- From sci-fi comic books to atmospheric waves: follow the journey of Fadhlil Rizki Muhammad
- Huge waves in the atmosphere dump extreme rain on northern Australia
- Climate change may lead to more severe ENSO-driven precipitation and temperature extremes
- Antarctic Inquiry: climate scientists highlight the crucial role of Antarctic research at the Australian Parliament
- How does the climate react to net zero?
- The power of AI in climate modelling and beyond