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Why Pacific Islanders are staying put even as rising seas flood their homes and crops

January 10, 2023 9:13 am Published by Comments Off on Why Pacific Islanders are staying put even as rising seas flood their homes and crops

Relocation and retreat are not a panacea for climate risk in vulnerable locations. In many cases, people prefer to adapt in place and protect at-risk areas. No climate adaptation policy should be decided without the full and direct participation of the affected local people and communities.

Think storms are getting worse? Rapid rain bursts in Sydney have become at least 40% more intense in 2 decades: The Conversation

November 11, 2022 6:35 am Published by Comments Off on Think storms are getting worse? Rapid rain bursts in Sydney have become at least 40% more intense in 2 decades: The Conversation

An intensification of 40% in only two decades means we must re-evaluate existing flood-control systems and standards. We also need to explore whether it is happening elsewhere or unique to Sydney.