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Multi-year La Niña events

June 28, 2022 9:07 am Published by Comments Off on Multi-year La Niña events

La Niña is an important cause of rainfall variability of Australia. A multi-year La Niña event can be particularly important for some climate risks. Some climate models are indicating that La Niña may continue for a third year through spring and summer 2022-23, increasing the chances of more rain and flooding.

Understanding Australia’s rainfall

June 8, 2022 3:41 pm Published by Comments Off on Understanding Australia’s rainfall

By bringing together researchers focussed on the large-scale modes of climate variability with researchers investigating weather and land surface processes, our goal is to improve the regional predictions of how rainfall extremes will change in the future.

A huge Atlantic ocean current is slowing down. If it collapses, La Niña could become the norm for Australia

June 7, 2022 9:21 am Published by Comments Off on A huge Atlantic ocean current is slowing down. If it collapses, La Niña could become the norm for Australia

At no time in Earth’s history, giant meteorites and super-volcanos aside, has our climate system been jolted by changes in atmospheric gas composition like what we are imposing today by our unabated burning of fossil fuels.