DELWP’s Hydrology and Climate Science Team would like to invite you to the:
Water and Climate Science Day
Research presentations from the Victorian Water and Climate Initiative
Tuesday October 29th
10:00am – 4:00pm
Melbourne Museum
This is a unique opportunity to hear from leading researches on the impact of climate and climate change on Victoria’s water resources.
Speakers from CSIRO, BOM and the University of Melbourne will be addressing some of the big questions!
What can palaeoclimate reconstructions tell us about future risk of megadrought?
How are our weather patterns changing and what does that mean for rainfall?
How can observed changes in catchment response be incorporated into short and long-term planning?
How can we use a ‘robustness’ approach to understand existing, near future, and distant future climate risks to water resource systems?
If the past no longer represents the future what baselines can we use for water planning?
DELWP staff will present a series of speed talks demonstrating how this research is being intergrated into the work of the department.
A detailed agenda will be made available closer to the day.
What is VicWaCI?
To ensure the water sector is well informed about the impacts of climate change on water resources, the Victorian Government is investing in the Victorian Water and Climate
Initiative. This research initiative is tailored to the needs of the Victorian water sector, and builds off earlier water sector research programs including the Victorian Climate Initiative and the South East Australian Climate Initiative. For more infomation check out our website:
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Please e-mail with any questions about the event.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
No need to print out your ticket we will have your name at registration.
I have dietary requitements, will there be food I can eat?
Please e-mail with any dietary requirements.