A memory of ice: the Antarctic voyage of the Glomar Challenger

Climatic Changes or Regional Human Activities? Lake Urmia Desiccation

Australian German Climate and Energy College Level 1, 187 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

(University of Melbourne).   Climatic Changes or Regional Human Activities? Lake Urmia Desiccation Description On the topic of climate change, there are two camps of politicians absolving themselves from responsibility.... View Article

Extending the Palaeohydroclimatology Record of Eastern Australia to Underpin Efficient Water Management by Understanding Long Term Climate Variability

Aurora Lecture Theatre 101 Aurora Lecture Theatre, IMAS Waterfront Building, Salamanca, Tasmania, Australia

Danielle Udy (University of Tasmania). PhD Confirmation: Extending the Palaeohydroclimatology Record of Eastern Australia to Underpin Efficient Water Management by Understanding Long Term Climate Variability.

Global Perspectives on Severe Convective Storms

Fritz Loewe Theatre McCoy Building, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, Australia

John Allen (Central Michigan University). Global Perspectives on Severe Convective Storms