A memory of ice: the Antarctic voyage of the Glomar Challenger

Global Perspectives on Severe Convective Storms

Fritz Loewe Theatre McCoy Building, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, Australia

John Allen (Central Michigan University). Global Perspectives on Severe Convective Storms

LGM-Holocene environmental change in SE Asia

Ringwood Room Jaegar 4, Research School of Earth Sciences,Mills Rd, Acton, ACT, Australia

Rebecca Hamilton (ANU College of Asia and the Pacific) LGM-Holocene environmental change in SE Asia

Seminar – Climate change and international fisheries: Addressing climate change impacts in regional fisheries management organisations.

Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) 4th Floor, Matthews Building, UNSW, Kensington, NSW, Australia

Presenter: Prof. Rosemary Rayfuse University of New South Wales Host: Climate Change Research Centre Climate change-induced changes in species composition, distribution and abundance pose significant threats to global fish stocks... View Article

Webinar: Governing Ocean Acidification

Australian German Climate and Energy College Level 1, 187 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Speaker: Ellycia Harrould-Kolieb (Climate Energy College, University of Melbourne) Ocean acidification is increasingly recognized as a potentially devastating threat to marine ecosystems and the goods and services they provide. Despite... View Article

Scott Power: The benefits and limitations of reducing emissions

Boardoom 107, Monash Boardroom 107, 9 Rainforest Walk, Monash University, Carlton, Victoria, Australia

Scott Power (Bureau of Meteorology).  The rate at which we'll experience unprecedented high temperatures over coming decades: benefits and limitations of reducing emissions

BoM Seminar: Improving reconstructions of historical extreme events by rescuing undigitized weather observations with citizen scientists

Bureau of Meteorology Level 9, Seminar Room, 700 Collins St., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Ed Hawkins (University of Reading) Improving reconstructions of historical extreme events by rescuing undigitized weather observations with citizen scientists External attendees without a local host should email sts_seminars_admin@bom.gov.au their details... View Article