CLEX tropical variability meeting: Andrew Marshall (Bureau of Meteorology)

Adam Turner. Reducing Energy consumption.

Fritz Loewe Theatre McCoy Building, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, Australia

Adam Turner (Corporate Development Specialist at SolX Energy Australia). Reducing Energy consumption.

Sustainable Living Festival, Disrupting fashion to save the world: Limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

Birrarung Marr Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Description It’s ‘climate crunch time’ and everything we care about (and rely on!) is now under threat. In February 2019, The Sustainable Living Festival – now in its 20th year – is making it a mission to present the very best discoveries to restore a safe climate as fast as humanly possible. How can fashion... View Article

Graeme MacGilchrist. Reframing the carbon cycle of the subpolar Southern Ocean.

Hales Seminar Room Jaeger 7, 142 Mills road, RSES, Acton, ACT, Australia

Graeme MacGilchrist (University of Princeton). Reframing the carbon cycle of the subpolar Southern Ocean. Global climate is critically sensitive to physical and biogeochemical dynamics in the subpolar Southern Ocean, since this is where the deepest, most carbon-rich layers of the world ocean outcrop and exchange carbon with the atmosphere. Here, we show that the conventional... View Article