Volcanic eruptions inject dust particles and other gases into the atmosphere leading to
substantial changes in atmospheric temperature and circulation. The volcanically forced
climate response is also important because it has similarities to the potential effects of
geoengineering techniques. This project aims to examine the impacts of volcanic eruptions on
extreme events (e.g., heatwaves, floods, …) in Australia. We will analyze the observations,
reanalysis, and model simulations (VolMIP multi-model) and focus on the intraseasonal (e.g.,
30-90 days) timescale. By doing such analysis, the participants will develop an idea about
extreme climate; the research outcomes will also provide important implications for future
climate change and geoengineering. This project requires programming skills to analyze data
hosted on the Gadi computer.
Supervisor: Hien Bui (hien.bui@monash.edu)
Location: Monash
When: Available from September