Pete Strutton attends AST-20
The 20th Argo Steering Team meeting (AST-20) was hosted by the Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, in Hangzhou, China, the week of March 11-15. Argo is the international program to maintain at least 3000 profiling floats throughout the global ocean.
Citizen science meets urban climate: the Schools Weather and Air Quality (SWAQ) project
Schools Weather and Air Quality (SWAQ) is a citizen science project funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Industry, Innovation and Science as part of its Inspiring Australia – Citizen Engagement Program.
DRAKKAR meeting, Grenoble
In January Andy Hogg attneded the annual DRAKKAR meeting. DRAKKAR, is the consortium which supports global ocean model configurations in Europe.
Chasing some of the largest hailstorms in the world
Central Argentina is home to some of the world’s most extreme thunderstorms. Giant hail, flash flooding and severe lightning regularly impact the communities and famous vineyards. Joshua Soderholm joined 160 scientists to understand why.
Future seas project: science with impact
Amelie Meyer is taking part in the Future Seas project, joining a workshop that will result in a series of papers for Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries journal.
Harika visits AGU 2018 Fall Meeting
Pavan Harika Raavi attended the AGU 2018 Fall Meeting. Here she recounts the experience and describes why it was so useful from a career and research perspective.
Workshop: The science of multi-year drought in Australia
A successful workshop on the science of multi-year drought was recently held at Monash University in Melbourne, where 50 experts from Australia, and small number of experts from the UK and the US, met to discuss what we know about the science of these droughts in Australia.
CLEX Career Development Award for Women and Underrepresented Groups
The CLEX Career Development Award for Women and Underrepresented groups is offered every year to promote the leadership development amongst our women and other underrepresented groups within CLEX.