Successful applicants will be under the supervision of A/Prof Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick, and will be part of the high-performing ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, as well as the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Weather of the 21st Century (commencing early 2024). The Centre offers considerable support to postgraduate students both professionally and technically.
UNSW Canberra is located in Australia’s beautiful “bush capital” city (Canberra) at the Australian Defence Force Academy and offers a generous AU$35000 p/a stipend to suitable candidates.
All suitable candidates MUST have honors class one or an appropriate equivalent to be eligible.
Potential research topics include:
- terrestrial and/or marine heatwaves – past and future changes
- physical mechanisms behind extreme heat events
- physical model simulation of heatwaves and other climate extremes at various spatial scales
- the role of internal variability behind climate extremes
- impacts of extreme heat events
- detection and attribution methods
- extreme event attribution
- impacts attribution
- concurrent/compound extremes (e.g heat and wildfires/heat and drought)
- machine learning in understanding climate extremes
- other topics relating to climate extremes that are of interest to potential candidates
Formal UNSW round deadlines are the 5th May 2023 to commence in 2023; and 22nd September 2023 to commence in 2024.
Candidates must contact A/Prof Perkins-Kirkpatrick before applying to discuss research topics and eligibility.
A/Prof Perkins-Kirkpatrick can be contacted at sarah.kirkpatrick@unsw.edu.au