The science behind climate extremes is fascinating and diverse.
Our experts love to share their work with the media, websites like The Conversation and here at – here’s some of their latest articles.
Note: sometimes we also share work and articles from researchers and organisations not directly affiliated or funded by our Centre. We love to share interesting work done by others in our field. If you’d like to share or adapt our work, please get in touch – email
Why is Australia having such a warm winter? A climate expert explains
Australia’s unseasonably warm conditions are the result of both natural drivers of our weather and continued global warming.
Bigger, wilder, more destructive: How cold fronts affected the Black Summer bushfires
Cold fronts can make bushfires worse, a startling consideration for authorities pondering the upcoming bushfire season.
A climate expert explains the Northern Hemisphere’s weird, wild summer – and what it means for Australia
Even if global warming is limited to well below 2℃, historically hot summers in Australia will become common.
Climate change’s dangerous new fires
“It is clear that the contribution of climate change to fire risk would be lower if greenhouse gas emissions were curtailed.”
Here’s why climate change isn’t always to blame for extreme rainfall
There are two necessary ingredients for extreme rainfall to occur – an abundant supply of moisture and ascending air.
Why are so many climate records breaking all at once?
This temporary exceedance of 1.5℃ will give us an unfortunate preview of what our planet will be like in the coming decades.