The science behind climate extremes is fascinating and diverse.
Our experts love to share their work with the media, websites like The Conversation and here at – here’s some of their latest articles.
Note: sometimes we also share work and articles from researchers and organisations not directly affiliated or funded by our Centre. We love to share interesting work done by others in our field. If you’d like to share or adapt our work, please get in touch – email
Why is it so damn cold right now? A weather researcher explains
In winter, the lack of cloud in a high-pressure system means that much of the heat the Earth has absorbed during the day just re-radiates out to space again.
Climate science leaders of the future in Hobart
Winter School teaches students about observations in the climate system.
A hot dry summer may be on its way as BOM issues El Niño ALERT
“Every El Niño is different and so we cannot be certain as to what the weather and climate will do in response”
Rainfall is on the rise in northwest Australia
The increasing rainfall trends observed in northwest Australia have significant implications for the region’s ecosystems, communities, and industries.
Is there a link between heatwaves on land and heatwaves in the ocean?
Heatwaves in the ocean are having major impacts on heatwaves on land.
What is ocean biogeochemistry?
The oceans’ biology and chemistry influence the climate because ocean, atmospheric and land processes are all interconnected.